For nearly five years since his termination from the EPA, Adams barefacedly lied to the country where he had secured an unlimited parent company guarantee from ExxonMobil and that his EPA permits were superior to those done by his successor under the current Administration. But until he can present evidence to the contrary, the evidence is unfortunately not in his favour.
I have secured a copy of the signed permit by Adams for the Liza II development, which is inferior when compared to the new permits by his successors. By just the page numbers, his permit was 23 pages, and those by his successors are 43-46 pages. Further, there was no unlimited guarantee in his permit.
And he ought to be ashamed of himself whereby his successor had to clean up his mess. Under his tenure for the period 2017-2020, there was no audit of the EPA’s financials neither did he prepare the annual reports, which is required by law. This means that he violated the EPA Act in terms of the statutory reporting requirements of the EPA as well as the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act in respect of the audits. So much so for accountability and transparency under his tenure.
For five long years he’s been talking too much about the “glamorous” work he did at the EPA, with no one holding him accountable, and no evidence presented to substantiate his many claims. The evidence is now in the public domain. Please take a look at his permit which I have uploaded on my LinkedIn page and visit the EPA website to compare with one of the other permits under his successor.
Of note, all the outstanding financial audits and annual reports have been completed and now in the public domain.
A more detailed analysis is forthcoming shortly on this where I will conduct a comparative analysis of his permit and the others to show the difference in the form of a matrix. I will also delve into the overall performance of the EPA under his tenure since those reports that he never did and published, were now completed and placed in the public domain.
Importantly, what is revealed here is a consistent behavioral pattern of the AFC folks. They don’t like to be held accountable, this is why he never published the reports because accountability is alien for him and his colleagues.
But we shall hold him and the others accountable.