President Dr. Irfaan Ali has embarked on a mission to modernize Guyana, demonstrating his remarkable leadership skills over the past three years. His influence extends far beyond the borders of Guyana, garnering recognition not just in the Caribbean and Latin America but across the world.
It is now evident that Dr. Ali is deeply committed to fostering a new era of prosperity in Guyana, where all its citizens can enjoy a happy and comfortable life. With a promising re-election in 2025, President Dr. Ali has pledged to work tirelessly for the next seven years to transform Guyana into a digitized, high-GDP nation with a sustainable, competitive, and diversified economy by 2030 and beyond.
He has called upon the people to put aside their past grievances and outdated ideologies that have hindered political progress, disadvantaged the population, and stifled the country’s development for far too long. President Dr. Ali implores both domestic and diaspora Guyanese to unite in support of his government’s efforts to modernize the nation, ensuring a brighter future and harmonious living for all.
With confidence, President Dr. Ali envisions Guyana emerging as a global leader on critical issues such as climate security, energy security, food security, fair trade, and human rights. His administration plans significant investments in infrastructure, agriculture, education, healthcare, and eco-tourism, all aimed at reshaping the nation’s attitude, culture, and behavior.
In response to a backlog of over 5,500 passport applications, President Dr. Irfaan Ali took unprecedented steps, announcing twenty-four-hour shifts for passport office officials to clear the backlog within seven days. This exemplifies his proactive approach in addressing longstanding issues.
Furthermore, he tackled delays in processing National Insurance Scheme (NIS) applications by instructing the NIS to establish a special Secretariat to resolve over 10,000 queries by year-end. President Ali demonstrates a keen understanding of the issues affecting the working class and is unafraid to confront these challenges.
As the Head of State, President Dr. Ali continues to lead CARICOM’s campaign to boost agriculture production and reduce the region’s food import bill by 25% by 2025. He also champions Guyana’s drive to become a global food production and security leader. His commitment to regional integration, gender equality, and respect for sovereignty and the rule of law earned him the prestigious Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture award at the Inter-American Conference in Costa Rica, making him the first Head of State to receive this honor.
Expressing gratitude for the award, President Dr. Irfaan Ali highlighted Guyana’s commitment to collaborating with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture to establish a technological food hub for the entire region. He emphasized Guyana’s potential as a prominent eco-tourism destination and pledged to collaborate with the President of Costa Rica in developing eco-tourism in Guyana, focusing on forests, environment, climate change, and energy and food security.
Under President Dr. Ali’s leadership, Guyana is poised to become an innovative nation not only in food production and the oil and gas sector but also in embracing cutting-edge 21st-century technology. His dedication to a prosperous Guyana is something we can all take pride in.